Automate Processes

Improve Productivity

Minimize Errors


Vertical Computing LLC

100% Committed to Automating your Company's Manufacturing and Business Processes





1. API - Offering a extensive base library to interact with the MES as well as customizable versioned API’s that are tailored to your companies needs.

2. Dashboards



1. Automating your Business to Business communications.

2. Supporting RosettaNet, FTP, sFTP, AWS-s3, Email as well as many others.

Custom Integrations and Micro-service solutions

Custom Integrations and Micro-service solutions

1. Supporting small automation projects to connect custom applications.

2. Our experts can implement cost-effective solutions for applications that cannot exchange information, using proven frameworks.

Ransomware Auditing, Recovery, and Support

Ransomware Auditing, Recovery, and Support

Our comprehensive ransomware services encompass auditing, recovery, and ongoing support to protect your business, ensure swift recovery, and safeguard against future attacks.


Ready to talk?

See how our solutions can help you.